
Design the future of business.

Online cohorts and self-study courses to amplify your impact and accelerate your career.


Design Leadership at Scale: Executive

This is an advanced-level, two-week course curated for senior design leaders ready to transform their sphere of influence. amlpify their impact, and lead design pracices into the future.


Design Leadership at Scale: Career Strategy

This weekend immersive is tailored specifically for design leaders looking to define their career path. Career Strategy is a blend of live sessions, online content, and two in-depth office hours to discuss your specific challenges and opportunities. The course is built on practical insights and experiences, offering a hands-on approach to career development. 


Design Leadership Playbook

A comprehensive guide for emerging and established design leaders ready to elevate their impact and influence. This playbook covers everything from design leadership transitions, to building and leading design teams, to driving design impact, to developing future-facing leadership in the age of AI.


The First 100 Days: A Design Executive's Blueprint

New role. New company. So much to do.  Where should you focus? How can you have the most impact in your first 100 days? This is the blueprint.


Design leadership and operations, building world-class organizations that integrate human-centered design to drive product innovation and customer-centric culture.

© 2024 kobewan

The present is a beta of a better future.